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  • • Aquarium – 20 Gallon
    • Water Thermometer
    • Low Flow Filter
    • Hides
    • Water Conditioner
    • Filter Seed
    • Frozen Food/ Pellets

  • A single adult axolotl should be housed in at least a 20 gallon aquarium. Axolotls must have a lid over their enclosure or they will leap out of the water. They will also require a filter that produces as small of a current as possible.

  • Axolotls are notorious for ingesting and becoming impacted on gravel. The safest substrate options for axolotls are aquarium grade sand or large smooth river rocks. We recommend keeping young axolotls without any substrate.

  • Axolotls prefer very cool temperatures, and stress very easily in temperatures above 75 degrees Fahrenheit. 60-70 degrees is ideal.

  • A high quality sinking pellet meant for carnivorous fish is the best option for axolotls, but you can also safely feed bloodworms, earthworms, nightcrawlers, or brine shrimp. Do not feed live fish to axolotls.

    Feed your axolotl 4 times a week. Half a frozen cube or a teaspoon of pellets are good for each feeding.

  • Axolotls require hiding spots in their tank. Aquarium safe plants, branches and hides can be used. Live aquatic plants can also be added to the tank.

  • The tank can be spot cleaned of waste and uneaten food with a turkey baster. Half water changes are suggested weekly.

    Any time you add new water to your axolotl’s tank it needs to be treated with the proper water conditioner.

  • Axolotls have a very delicate slime coat that is easily damaged by our skin, so it is best not to touch or handle your axolotl. Although they can tolerate extremely short periods outside of water, absolutely do not remove your axolotl from the water.

    Your axolotl should not experience any health issues with proper husbandry. Common issues occur when feeding live feeders to your axolotl, as they will choke on the prey item. Keeping your axolotl on gravel will result in impaction. Another common health issue with axolotls is overheating. If your axolotl is regularly kept in water temperatures above 75 degrees Fahrenheit, you will notice a patchy slime coat and pale gills, and they will also be fanning their gills a lot. If you notice any of these symptoms, simply relocate your axolotl’s aquarium to a cooler part of the house, away from any windows, or place a few ice cubes in the aquarium to help lower the temperatures. An aquatic chiller can be purchased if you are unable to lower the temperatures.


Axolotls are also commonly known as Mexican walking fish, as they only inhabit what remains of lakes Xochimilco and Chalco in Mexico City. Due to habitat destruction, they are endangered in the wild with their numbers still dwindling. However, because they are so prolific and easy to keep in captivity, they are very common in the pet trade. The axolotl is an aquatic salamander stuck in its larval stage, and they have only been known to metamorphose on very rare occasions. When metamorphosed, they appear a lot like tiger salamanders, which have a very similar larval stage to the axolotl.

Size: 10-14 inches
Lifespan: 8-15 years
Diet: Carnivore
Care Level: Intermediate
Temperament: Fully Aquatic - Not Handleable

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